Hymn 286 - The Gospel Bells
Hymn 286 - The Gospel Bells
Main message: The gospel bells are ringing.
Bible references:
V1. “For God so loved the world...” (Jn 3:16)
V2. “I am the bread of life...” (Jn 6:48)
“Tho’ your sins are red as crimson...” (Is 1:18)
V3. “Escape ye, for thy life...” (Gen 19:17)
V4. “Good tidings of great joy...” (Lk 2:10)
Keywords: gospel, blessed news, ringing, invite, warning, joyful, Savior crucified
Interpretation notes:
Both A and C sections have a cheerful, bell-like melody to set a joyful mood for this hymn, while the B section quotes the main Bible references to describe the main messages of the gospel. Therefore the B section can be softer and more thoughtful in mood.
Musical style: announcement, proclamation, festive